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Annual Parish Meeting Tuesday 9th April 6:30pm

The Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Tuesday 9th April in the Village Hall at 6.30pm.

This meeting is for the residents of the Eastleach Parish to come and discuss any matter pertinent to the villages.  The format of the meeting provides the opportunity for local organizations to report directly to the people of Eastleach & Fyfield.  Residents will have the chance to ask questions, in an open forum.  Refreshments will be available. 


1, Introduction 

Welcome by the Parish Council Chairman, Cllr. Tim Jeans 

 2, Apologies for Absence from Councillors 

 3, Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting 2023   

To formally approve the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 24th May 2023. 

 4, Report from the Chair – Eastleach Parish Council 

 5, Eastleach Parish Council Financial Report  

 6, Report from County/District Councillor  

 7, Presentation by Gloucestershire Rural Community Council on the Housing Needs Survey 

(see more details below)

 8, Report from the Eastleach Village Hall Committee 

 9, Report from St. Andrew Church 

 10, Open Forum 

The opportunity for villagers to have their say on current issues.