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Coronation Tea Towels for sale

The Council has  been asked to pass on the following message to Eastleach residents.  As this is for the benefit of organisations in the village we feel that this is appropriate.

Coronation Tea Towels

With huge thanks to Sarah Ewbank for her brilliant original design and for allowing me to add a new Coronation border and sell them for the benefit of the village to commemorate this special year. With many thanks also to those of you who have already bought their tea towels at the Coronation Party.

We still have tea towels available if you were not able obtain one on the day. Proceeds are split 50% to the Village Hall and 50% to St Andrew’s Church. You can buy one for £7.50 or 2 for £14. Please contact me to purchase as many as you would like on 07774 193 071 or via the email address Cash only payments please. You can either pop the money inside the letterbox of Kristina Charrington or the back door (under porch) and I will leave your order out on the stone bench to collect from The Walled Garden (behind the Manor House).

Many thanks, Kristina