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Annual Parish Council Meeting

This meeting has been re-scheduled and will now take place on Thursday 26th May 2022





                                                                                                19th May 2022

To all Members of the Parish Council

I hereby give notice that the Annual Parish Council meeting will be held at 6.30pm, on Thursday 26th May 2022 at Eastleach Village Hall.

All Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the following business. The public and press are cordially invited to attend.

Vanessa Lawrence


Due to the resignations of 5 Councillors the Parish Council is inquorate with only 2 Councillors.  Cotswold District Council has appointed District Councillor Theodoulou to stand in as a temporary member of the Council in order to make the Council quorate.

 01      22/23        To elect a Chairman

 02      22/23        Apologies for absence

 03      22/23        To consider and agree co-options for role of Councillor.

 04      22/23        To receive Declaration of Acceptance of Office from

                              New Councillor/s.

 05     22/23         Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda

 06      22/23        To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held in    January 2022

 07      22/23        To agree to adjourn the meeting for Public Participation,  if members of the public are present – there is a 10 minute time limit

 08      22/23        To agree to reconvene the meeting following Public Participation, if applicable.

09      22/23        Clerks Report

10      22/23        Chairman’s announcements

11      22/23        To receive report from District/County Councillor


 12      22/23        To approve, payments to the end of April 2022

 13      22/23        To consider and agree to change payroll support provider


14 22/23 22/01564/LBC &22/01563/FUL: Listed building consent and Full Planning application for installation of external boiler (retrospective) at 26 Eastleach, GL7 3NQ

22/01708/TCONR: Works to trees in conservation areas for T1- Sycamore – tip prune limb overhanging the office back by 4m. T2- Norway Spruce – fell at Orchard Cottage, 48 Eastleach. GL7 3NQ.


15       22/23        To formally approve the change of e-mail address using Office 365.

16       22/23        To formally approve change of website provider to Bulldog Websites and to consider and agree to re-design the website as per quote.

17       22/23        To consider and agree grasscutting programme for 2022/23 and to agree contractor.

18       22/23        To consider and agree to request that the stile in Fyfield is replaced with a gate for ease of access to the field.

19       22/23        Anything the Chair considers urgent.

These are the Agenda items at 20th May 2022